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Morrowind DnD 3.5 -


Created Friday 13 June 2014

There are four types of alchemy equipment: the mortar and pestle, the alembic, the retort, and the calcinator.

You can use one piece of equipment of each type in the creation of a elixir. The effects of equipment stack.

Note: There would be little point in using both the alembic and the retort.

Mortar and Pestle

The basic piece of alchemy equipment is the mortar and pestle. You use this to grind up the ingredients and mix them with the solvent.

Stone mortar and pestle: 5lb, 1 gp.
Minimum equipment required to make elixirs.

Masterwork mortar and pestle: 5lb, 100gp
+1 to Alchemy checks.

Ebony mortar and pestle: 20lb,1,000gp
+2 to Alchemy checks

Masterwork ebony mortar and pestle: 20lb, 10,000 gp
+3 to Alchemy checks


Used to distill deleterious poisons.

  • Grants a bonus to Alchemy checks to make any elixir.
  • Reduces beneficial effects.

Glass alembic: 10lb, 100gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Buff magnitude reduced by one level.

Masterwork alembic: 10lb, 1,000gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Buff magnitude reduced by three levels.

Ebony alembic: 20lb, 10,000gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Buff magnitude reduced by five levels.


Used to distill beneficial potions.

  • Grants a bonus to Alchemy checks to make any elixir.
  • Reduces poisonous effects.

Glass retort: 10lb, 100gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Debuff magnitude reduced by one level.

Masterwork retort: 10lb, 1,000gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Debuff magnitude reduced by three levels.

Ebony retort: 20lb, 10,000gp
+1 Alchemy bonus. Debuff magnitude reduced by five levels.


Used to release the power of all ingredients.

  • Grants a bonus to Alchemy checks to make any elixir.

Silver calcinator: 50lb, 1,000gp
+1 Alchemy bonus.

Ebony calcinator: 100lb, 1,0000gp
+2 Alchemy bonus.

Masterwork ebony calcinator: 100lb, 50,000gp
+3 Alchemy bonus.

Revision Log

First revision.

Backlinks: Alchemy Alchemy:Ingredients