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Morrowind DnD 3.5 -

Crime (background)

Created Saturday 10 May 2014
Modified Saturday 10 May 2014

All player characters begin as prisoners, who have been transported from the Imperial City prison to the far-away province of Morrowind.

Pick one of the crimes below. You gain one free rank in the associated skill, and it becomes a class skill for you (regardless of your class.)

Pickpocketing        Disguise
Murder                Intimidate
Barratry                Bluff
Horse Rustling        Ride
Poaching Banditry        Survival
Shoplifting            Sleight of Hand
Prostitution            Use Rope
Embezzeling            Forgery
Smuggling            Appraise
Daedra Worship        Decipher Script
Cattle raiding        Handle Animal
Break and enter        Escape Artist

Note: The description of the crime is for flavour - for fluff purposes your character may have been imprisoned for any crime you like. However the list of skills is fixed and no substitution is permitted.

[Added 2014-06-13]
Being imprisoned for a crime doesn't necessarily mean you actually commited the crime (you may have been framed.)

Revision Log

First revision.

Replace 'Banditry' with 'Poaching'.
Add fluff about not actually needing to have committed the crime in question.

Backlinks: index Character Creation Revision Log